Internet of Things and Research Communication
K J Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai
Saturday, 18th February, 2017

Dear BOSLA Members,
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new wave created by Information and Communication Technologies is a reality today and continue to create unprecedented opportunities. IoT, the smart concept empowers next-generation workforce to manage smart cities, hospitals, transportation, academic institutions, production plants, administration, waste management and including libraries with efficiency and accuracy. It is a network of physical devices through embedded sensors, electronics, softwares, actuators in these devices to collect and exchange the data for accomplishing the tasks with or without human intervention. Ever changing dimensions of technological trends along with changing users’ preferences influence service sectors. This includes Libraries too resulting in improved system and enhanced services with efficiency. Though the professionals in Indian libraries are acquainted with the use several software, RFIDs, Sensors, QRCs, Barcode Technology, Magnetic tags in circulation, the concept IoT is new for many LIS professionals. Considering the potentials of IoT in libraries, it is envisaged keeping in mind the growing interest on IoT, to conduct one day event to discuss and deliberate on how these changes be favorably adapted to LIS activities.
The one day seminar will have talks by well known speakers in the domain, technical sessions on subthemes and demonstration of products and services.
Technical Sessions:
IOT for Libraries
Mobile Applications
Mendeley – The reference management tool
Technical Sessions:
The registration fee for this one day event is Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) for BOSLA members, Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) for Non-BOSLA members and Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred only) for current BLIS & MLIS students. The cheque/DD drawn in favour of Bombay Science Librarians' Association (BOSLA) payable at Mumbai may be sent to the following address.
The registration covers seminar kit, breakfast/tea and working lunch. Accommodation can be arranged at additional cost. Individuals interested in accommodation should communicate through email to organizing secretary.
All payments must be made by Cheque/Bank Draft in favour of “Bombay Science Librarians’ Association” payable at Mumbai. Filled-in registration form and the payment should be sent to the following address:
You can also confirm your participation by registering online and sending the registration fees to the following address:
The detailed programme schedule will be updated on the BOSLA website soon.
Ms. Deepali Kuberkar
Organising Secretary &
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering
Mumbai - 400077
Ph: 022-6644 9020 Mobile: 9819687486
Email: librarian.engg@somaiya.edu