Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Saturday, 12th August, 2017

Dear Professional Colleagues,
Greetings !
It is a great pleasure in inviting you for the ACTREC-BOSLA Annual Lecture Series and for the celebrations of 125th birth anniversary of father of library science, Padmashree Dr. S. R. Ranganathan on Saturday, 12th August 2017 at Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Kharghar, Navi Mumbai. The one day event starting at 10.00am will have series of lectures by experts on a theme ‘MakerSpace’ and felicitation to superannuated members.
MakerSpace is a space preferably created by and in library or managed by library where users assemble to share their knowledge and resources, work on projects, network, and build for learning new concepts to make their career. Collaborative and creative learning space with 3D printers, video screening facility for small groups, lighting, vinyl cutters with a table space, microcomputers, whiteboard wall, computers, and necessary software to support audio, video, and 3D design are the few facilities. The MakerSpace facilities differ from library to library, based on the nature and services of the institute to which the library is associated with. It is going to be a feast on how the ‘space’ in library, whether it is physical or virtual space is utilised in a best and effective way for the technology savvy users.
The registration fee for this one day event is Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) for BOSLA members; Rs.500/-(Rupees five hundred only) for Non-BOSLA members; and Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) for the presently studying BLIS & MLIS students. The Cheque / DD drawn in favour of Bombay Science Librarians' Association (BOSLA) payable at Mumbai may be sent to the following address.
Dr. K. Praveen Kumar
Treasurer, BOSLA
Assistant Library & Information Officer
International Institute for Population Sciences, Govandi Station Road, Deonar,
Mumbai – 400088
Ph: 022-4237 2472
Email: praveenkpati@gmail.com
Kindly confirm your participation by registering online in order to make necessary arrangements like lunch and other logistics for the program.
To felicitate superannuated BOSLA members, members are requested to inform the names of individual superannuated members to the office of BOSLA with membership details and send their brief bio-data to the undersigned for the preparation of citations on or before July 31, 2017. Please spread the message and come along with all your professional colleagues and participate in the celebrations of our great leader.
​​Dr. Satish S. Munnolli
Organising Secretary & Librarian
Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education (ACTREC)
Tata Memorial Centre (TMC)
Sector 22, Kharghar
Navi Mumbai 410210
Ph: 022-2740 5026
Email: smunnolli@actrec.gov.in