Webinar on "Role of Libraries during Pre and Post COVID-19
Pandemic: Issues and Concerns" on 28th August, 2021
International Institute for Population Sciences
Govandi Station Road, Deonar, Opposite Sanjona Chamber, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400088
Time : 11:00 am to 01:00 pm

Dear Professional Friends,
The COVID 19 pandemic has devastated the lives of everyone all over the world. It has disturbed the academic calendar of educational institutions and the libraries are no exception to this. The libraries are functioning with controlled staff and the constrained working conditions. The library professionals have taken many new initiatives to streamline the system and services. It is a new experience for all of us.
To address the professionals' concerns, Bombay Science Librarians' Association (BOSLA) is pleased to announce a webinar on the topic - " Role of Libraries during Pre and Post COVID-19 Pandemic: Issues and Concerns" in collaboration with the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai.
Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi
Librarian, NITK, Suratkal, Karnataka
Dr. Shamprasad Pujar
Chief Librarian, IGIDR, Mumbai
followed by announcement of BOSLA Awards.
Date & Time: Saturday, 28th August 2021
From 11.00 am to 01.00 pm
The webinar is open to all.
Registration is FREE. The participation e-certificate will be issued to registered and attended participants only.
To register please visit URL: https://bosla2013.wixsite.com/bosla-iips21/online-registration-1
The eligibility criteria for BOSLA Awards, Applications Forms and other details are available at https://bosla2013.wixsite.com/bosla
The webinar meeting details will be communicated (to those who have registered), well in advance to facilitate joining the webinar
Dr. K. Praveen Kumar
Organizing Secretary